If I wasn't such a lazy _______________(starts with Ba and kinda rhymes with mustard), I might try cutting the grass tonight.....I don't mean "MOW", I mean "CUT"....With scissors......just to see how long it would take....And because I saw an old guy doing it once, and his yard looked AWESOME!......I've cut mine with a weedeater before, but who hasn't done that?......However, I have never had the knee stamina to try it with scissors.................Better yet, maybe I could get that old guy to cut my grass.....I could bribe him with Metamucil and Geritol.....Then, I would be allowing him to provide an useful important public service, and he wouldn't feel like such a drain on society.......Yeah! Just think, if we could get all the lazy old people to start working again, we could put all the Mexicans out of work, and then they'd have to go back to selling Tacos.........Wait! What? Too stereotypical?.......................I keeed, I keeed.
Nah, I HEART old people...........And Mexicans............................................just not old Mexicans.
I love America! That's random, but true.
I'm thinking about having an "End of Summer" cookout.......probably sometime this Fall or Winter....I think I'll invite some friends, since that's usually what normal people do at such things, and I like to pretend I'm normal........But just my cool friends.....cause otherwise, that would suck.....Who wants to eat burgers and dogs with a bunch of LAME-O's......So, if you're cool and you're my friend, expect to get an invite.......If not, do I really need to spell it out?
Thanks Ed for all your comments! You crack me up like every day, lol! I'll have to look into a flickr account or something to get the gubment to approve my linkage :p
I am still trying to get to my captions so I can post a winner - you are up there for sure, haha
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