I should have listened to the wife for once.
The only reason I am posting the BEFORE PICs is because, THANK GOD, I no longer look like I did.
Yeah, there was that promise I made to you guys too, but so what.
I also could have promised to make you pluck your eyes out with spoons, and it would of served the same purpose.
I am pretty sure this was the worst I have ever let myself get.
I have always been somewhat athletic, and tried to stay fit most of my life. But sitting behind a desk all day, eating junk, plus age, had finally taken its toll.
I was about 208 lbs when the before shots were taken.
I had trouble buttoning my size 36" waist pants.
I was getting out of breath walking from my car to my office.
And my blood pressure had been borderline high, the last two times I had it checked.
I decided to get my fat butt back in shape.
I started working out everyday.
Sometimes it was just walking halls at work or riding my bike on the weekends.
I added more to my routine, the better shape I got in.
Eventually, I was riding my bike every chance I got, and doing 150 push-up and 100 sit-ups every night.
Occasionally, I would even work with weights or a resistance band.
And of course, I tried my smartass WiiFit.
I also changed my diet.
The first couple weeks, I went on a crash diet, because I wanted it off fast.
Eventually, I got to where I was only eating high protien, low carb/low fat foods.
Smaller portions were a must for me, as well.
Basically, you have to take in less calories then you are burning everyday, if you want the weight to come off.
Now, cover your childrens' eyes.
And cover yours, if you have a weak stomach.
I present, The Gross Before Me:
Geez.....Even the dog can't bare to look at me in that sideways shot........NASTY.
Moving quickly on to the big reveal......The AFTER me
Here we are roughly 50 days later.
According to WiiFit, my weight is now 176 lbs.
My BMI was off the WiiFit charts before, and now it's around 28. This still isn't great, but it's better than 36+.
I currently wear size 34" waist pants, cause that's the smallest I own, and need a belt to keep them up.
I still need more work on my mid-section, but my abs are beginning to show again.
Thanks to diet & exercise, plus my deep tissue massages, even my back is not as crooked. Which, given that I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, is really saying something.
I have more energy now.
I no longer get out of breath easily.
I feel great.
And I don't hate the way I look as much.
Get to it peeps. You can do anything you put your minds too.
Not having the energy or the time is just an excuse. Make the time. You'll get the energy.
And you'll get the results you want.