Friday, March 2, 2012

"Has It Been A Month Already?"

I hate these posts.

You know the ones, "Sorry I haven't posted in a month but I have been busy doing this, this, and this (aka, Real Life Happens)" posts.

Most of the time people don't care.

Probably, they just didn't even notice your absence.


Between work and Firefighter training, I've had very little free time.

When I did have some, it was usually divided between my wife & kids, or taking care of stuff after my mom died.

I can NOT believe all the SHIT you have to do after someone dies.

Cleaning out their house, getting rid of stuff, notifying banks and insurance and creditors, turning off utilities, picking out headstones, forwarding mail, filing paperwork at courthouses & DMVs.

Stuff you never even think about.

Thank God mom had insurance to cover her burial. But even THAT has been a nightmare to deal with. Numerous phone calls and emails and overnight paperwork shipping. Ugh!

Honestly, after all that....I've had a hard time finding my funny again.

Lately, I've been listening to lots of standup. I guess trying to get it back.

For awhile, I considered just giving up on writing anymore blog posts or standup of my own.

It just seemed unimportant.

My online activity has been limited to reading a few blogs, posting some funny pics on Facebook, and watching movies in the evening.

I think I am finally starting to turn the corner though. I have been thinking a lot lately, and some of it's funny.

Or I'll think, "That would make great standup material" or "That would be good for a blog post."

So, who knows....I might be making a comeback.

Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I'm just glad I get to see the stuff you post on FB. I get my funnies any way I can take them. So thank you.

Brutalism said...

You can't find the funny in settling your deceased mother's estate and saving people from burning houses and you call yourself a comedian? My father did not handle finances well ( dad, ever, and funniest guy that ever lived) so when he died, the estate ended up in probate. Which makes me now believe in heaven and probate, which has to be way worse than hell...

Sarah Tokeley said...

You know what, you have to do what's best for you. If you want to come back, brilliant, we'll be here. If not, well, looking after you is what counts.

Momma Fargo said...

Glad the dust is settling so you can find what it is that makes the best for you.

Chain Stitch Crochet said...

Sorry bout your mama. That sux. And yep, so much bulllllshit you have to go through. I've got all of my stuff taken care of. Most people don't think about that stuff until they have to go through it. I think you should have to take a class in living - responsibilities, bank accounts, marriage, babies, bill paying and death and all that involves. Just my honest opinion. Hey...wanna shake your hand virtually >< and tell you thanks for your service.


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