Memoir Mondays with Travis.
It’s kind of like Tuesdays with Morrie, only less die-y.
Oh, before I start. My wife has challenged me to be less negative in my “online persona” for a week.
By this, she means I should stop being hateful, negative, dick-y, and mean (i.e. funny).
I have accepted this glorious challenge for self improvement and enlightenment of my followers as she never ruled out the use of sarcasm.
The year was……….I don’t remember because I was little and now I’m old so my rememory isn’t as good anymore but it was a longtime ago.
Regardless, the following took place when I was a little guy. Maybe 5.
And just like THIS story, it happened at church.
Now, if you saw my guest post over HERE, then you will remember me telling all about my early stage fright.
Well, every year around Christmas time at the Assemblies of God Church I grew up in, they would give each of the children a verse to memorize.
Then, during the evening church service, the children would parade up onstage and recite our memory verses into the microphone, for the enjoyment of our parents and the elderly folk.
Now, I actually have a photographic memory. Or I used to.
However, I don’t remember what my verse was, which is basically what happened that night.
So, when it was my turn, I stepped up to the mike, looked out into the sea of expectant faces, and gave a double thumbs up while I said:
“Heeeeyyyy, I’m the Fonze!”
What can I say? I loved Happy Days.
and THAT line you and everyone else remembers
the Bible verse would have been long forgotten
wonderful tale
You still got it!
That was Ralph Malph, just for reference.
No one called you a heathen?! What a laid back church. My church would have sent me to the scary nun who hit us with a yard stick.
Were you wearing leather at least?
The Fonz in church.
You should have kicked the pulpit.
Did that really happen? Where were you at my church?? Did you take that verse from HappyDaysicus 2:15? I love that passage.
I like your wife! :-)
Aw, that is just too adorable!
Okay, so let's not count last night. Day 1: Ed's Positive Challenge= PASS
...and it still got some laughs
my favorite part "only less die-y"
I am with Elizabeth. My favorite part was only less die-y.
You are such a geek!! LMAO
Look at you being all soft and cute....
You wear it well
And the good Lord laughed right along with you!
Good job being a kid!
At least you didn't say you were Ralph Malph. That would be NOT cool. Although, I always had issues with the Fonz. Wasn't he way too old to be hanging with 17 year old girls and high school boys? Did he have some disease that made him walk in that weird swagger? Did he know he was actually pretty sad?
These days The Fonz would be on some sex register. :)
Yes, this week would be a good week to be all sunshines and smiles because this time next week you are going to be very, VERY angry.
Give praise-a-mundo.
I remember when we took my niece to church on Christmas Eve one year when she was about 4. During a painfully silent portion, she turned to my sister and said in a LOUD voice, "Mommy, I farted." We couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the service, but some of the church ladies were giving us dirty looks. But it could have been from the sticks permanently wedged up their asses.
i'm going to guess that your mother wasnt very fond of happy days ever again.
If I were running that church I would have had you recite every week.
I miss Potsie.
Leather Tuscadero approves.
I bet you're parents were jumping up and down screaming "Rock on Fonzie" or whatever people said in those days.
Ha ha, you are A.W.E.S.O.M.E!
Or autistic....either one....
This story is awesome.
If you can't be hateful, negative or dick-y, you better bring the sarcasm. Otherwise, I'm out. :)
I can see that....easily.
My Dad was an AofG preacher. So, I get compassion from yah now, right? lol
I'll wait a week before I come back. Tell wifey that the only reason I read your blog is because you're hateful, negative, dick-y, and mean.
I like the mean you better.
However, this was cute!
I'm pretty sure you mean pornographic memory and not photographic....right? Which is why you choked....
Bahahahaha....I crack myself up sometimes....mainly cuz I'm often the only one laughing. But whatever...
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